OSINT Report on senselearner.com | Internship Task

OSINT: OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence, and it refers to the process of collecting and analyzing information that is publicly available from open sources. Open sources include a wide range of publicly accessible information, such as websites, social media platforms, news articles, government reports, academic publications, and more.


This was the task assigned to each internee during our internship at Senselearner Technologies Pvt. Ltd. to conduct an Open Source Intelligence on the company's website. The purpose of this report was to conduct information gathering and reconnaissance activities on the website senselearner.com in a legal and ethical manner. The primary objective of these activities was to assess the security and analyze the associated risks. This report will serves as a crucial starting point for further security analysis and risk assessment. Based on these findings, recommendations made to enhance the website's security and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

(Due to ethical considerations and privacy concerns, the full details and specific information obtained through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) during this internship have been intentionally omitted from this public report. The focus here is to highlight the methodologies employed, insights gained, and the overall value of the conducted OSINT without compromising the confidentiality and privacy of individuals or entities involved.)


Title: Information Gathering Report for senselearner.com 
Date: 27th Sep, 2023 
Prepared by: Hummab Rabbia 
Position: Cybersecurity Intern


The objective of this report is to present the findings of the information gathering and reconnaissance activities conducted on senselearner.com in a legal and ethical manner. The information collected is intended for security assessment and risk analysis. 
  • Table of Contents 
1. Executive Summary 
2. Introduction 
3. Domain Information 
4. DNS Footprinting 
5. Web Footprinting 
6. Network and WHOIS Enumeration 
7. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) 
8. Vulnerabilities and Security Concerns 
9. Recommendations 
10. Conclusion 
11. Appendices
12. References
  • Executive Summary: 
Provided a brief overview of the key findings and highlights of my information gathering efforts.
  • Introduction:

The purpose of this report is to conduct information gathering and reconnaissance activities on the website senselearner.com in a legal and ethical manner. The primary objective of these activities is to assess the security and analyze the associated risks. This report serves as a crucial starting point for further security analysis and risk assessment. Based on these findings, recommendations can be made to enhance the website's security and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

  • Domain Information 
(Found the following information)
Domain Name: senselearner.com 
IP Address: [IP Address] 
Registrar: [Domain Registrar]  
Date: [Registration Date] 
Expiry Date: [Expiry Date] 
Status: [Status, e.g., Active]

  • DNS Footprinting: 

Summarized the findings from DNS footprinting, including: 

List of DNS Records: Provided information on A records, MX records, CNAME records, etc. 

Subdomains: Enumerate any subdomains discovered. 

Associated Services: Identified services or applications linked to DNS records. 

  • Web Footprinting: Detailed the results of web footprinting, such as: 

Web Server Information: Identified the web server software and version. 

Directory and File Structure: Documented directories or files discovered. 

Technologies in Use: Listed content management systems (CMS), frameworks, or scripting languages used. 

Metadata: Included metadata from web pages.

  • Network and WHOIS Enumeration 

Discussed network and WHOIS enumeration results: 

Network Range: Noted the network range and IP addresses. 

WHOIS Records: Included details from WHOIS records, such as the registrant's contact information. ASN Information: Mentioned Autonomous System Number (ASN) data. 

  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT): 
Summarized findings from OSINT, including information gathered from public sources, social media, and publicly available data. 

  • Vulnerabilities and Security Concerns: 
Identified vulnerabilities or security concerns based on the gathered information. 

  • Recommendations: 

Provided recommendations for addressing identified vulnerabilities or concerns.  

  • Conclusion: 

(Summarized the key takeaways from the information gathering process and emphasized the significance of the findings.)

The information gathered through OSINT activities provides a comprehensive overview of senselearner.com, its infrastructure, technologies, and owner details. These findings are crucial for conducting a security assessment and risk analysis, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and developing appropriate security measures to protect the website and its assets. The report lays the groundwork for further investigation and security measures to safeguard the domain and its users

  • Appendices: 

Included additional information, screenshots, or data that support my findings in the report.

  • References:

Listed all the sources and tools used during the information gathering process.








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